Child Care and Education

Choosing care for your child can be challenging and, to the unfamiliar, the terms confusing. An alternative to long day care (in a larger child-care centre) is known as family day care

Family Day Care is where a child is educated in a small group in a family-style environment at an educator’s home, with the same educator each day, and in a child-centred way.

The ratio in family day care is one educator for a maximum of seven children (1:7) and no more than four children of preschool age or under (1:4). The educator’s children must be counted in those seven children if they are under 13 years and not being cared for by another adult at the premises.

Popular Curriculum Program

Drawing Class

Fine motor skills are not just drawing with chalk, crayons and felts, but also painting, printing, crafts, creativity, collage work and much more.
These skills are important in most school activities as well as in life in general. Our educators help you monitor how your child’s body is growing and changing and take notice of the new motor skills they are gaining at each stage of their growth.

Other Activities

Enquiry based early learning by experimenting with various elements and developing a range of skills for reasoning, thinking, questioning, and experimenting freely.
External activities offer opportunities for children of all ages to participate in sustainable practices such as sprouting fruit and vegetable seeds, watering existing plants, recycling paper, composting, and worm farms.

Playing Class

Purposeful play-based experiences provide opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine.
Our educators provide a supportive environment where children can ask questions, solve problems and engage in critical thinking. Play expands children’s thinking and enhances their desire to know and to learn, while respecting others.

To Think Creatively and Create

To Feel Fine and to Understand Emotions

To be Independent and Active

To Apply Knowledge in Life